Monday 31 August 2015

Brazil all set to host the 2016 Olympics!

Sport-obsessed Brazil set to host ‘fantastic’ 2016 Olympics in Rio!

Brazilian President Miss Dilma Rouseff, in an exclusive interview for TOI, explained how the country is all set for the 2016 Olympics with exactly a year to go for the same. The president explained that the country has taken extensive steps to deliver on its promise of grandest and most diversified games in recent times. The country is hoping to become a symbol of solidarity through the games.

The generous Brazilian heart leaps when confronted with two of its passions: welcoming people from all over the world and competing with enthusiasm in a superb sporting performance. “We will be lighting up the Olympic flame with our passion for sport and unfurl the flag bearing the five interlocking rings at the magnificent Maracana Stadium, on 5th August, 2016,” says the Brazilian President.

The preparation process for the games began with investment in most important assets: The Athletes. Another massive investment has been done in sport infrastructure that will reach its peak with urban restructuring of Rio De Janeiro, which is known to be the most beautiful natural landscape for the Olympic games since Ancient Greece. The upcoming Olympic games have strongly attracted investments from Brazilian private sector that has helped in sponsoring building and modernizing new Hotel Network. The President also stated that the monumental legacy of urban modernization of Rio De Janeiro will make the city one of the most beautiful in the world

Brazil, known worldwide for its impressive and diversified landscapes, has been given the honor of being the first South American country to host the Olympic Games.  The country is also known for its tolerance and respect for diversity as they have welcomed different people and cultures with hospitality and happiness.

The people of the country have managed to build one of the most open nations in the world with their creative capacity, affability and solidarity.  The set of values guides their hard work to turn the upcoming Olympics into the best ever world sports festivity. 

The Brazilian President concluded that Brazil is fully prepared in cooperation with the event organizers, to proudly show the world the recent accomplishments of a well-functioning democracy that has committed to reduce social inequalities through economic development and investment. She asserted that it is a collective effort of an entire country and they are waiting to welcome everyone with arms and hearts wide open. 

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