Sunday 20 September 2015

Art and Musings...

Well, knowing one’s own strengths and weaknesses, as an artist is a vital area that cannot be stressed hard enough. Some artists can draw amazing hands while others are really good at facial expressions. Some can make absolutely any body shape look alluring and inviting. And some on the other hand, can handle perspective very well.

If I have to talk about my strengths while drawing or painting, to begin with, the first one would be never giving up, even when I know its not really working, I will go back at it, time and again until I’m able to get it right and I’m satisfied. Another strength could be that I have innate sense of aesthetics and composition. Also, my illustrations have a good line quality. And since I’ve always been inclined towards drawing and painting, I’m comfortable using different color mediums. I can easily draw whatever I see in front of me. Can also draw human figures with correct proportions. Fairly good with perspectives too!

Coming to my weaknesses, I would say that one of the biggest flaws that I have as an artist is the inability to visualize something in my mind and put the exact thing on paper. I can draw human figures but I’m unable to get facial expressions right. Also, I’m not very quick with illustration because as an artist I do not get satisfied until I get perfection.

I've attached a few sketches and illustrations made by me for you all to comment and reflect your views upon:-

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